/ Troubleshooting

Problems and solutions

Problems with installation of SOS-App
No emails are sent
Position is not fixed
Photo is not sent by email
Email contact list is not shown

Problems with installation of SOS-App

If you have problems with downloads, installation, payback, payment or access to Android Market contact Android Market Help and the User Forums.

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No emails are sent

Check the email address. Is it valid and the address? Did you enter all necessary data in the email accout settings of SOS-App? Are they correct? Compare it with the email account settings of the email app. Try to send an email by the email app. Is it sent? If not, you have a problem with your email settings and/or your provider. If it is sent by the email app, copy the settings from the email app to the email settings of the SOS-App.
Did you check SEND MY POSITION with a max. wait time of 0 sec (it means: wait infinitely for position fix)?

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Position is not fixed

Check the settings of LOCATION and SECURITY of your smartphone. Do you use at least one of "Use Wireless networks" or "Use GPS satellites"? If you use only GPS: does your smartphone receive satellite signals at your current position? Try other apps which use location services like Google MAPS. Do they fix your position? Increase the wait time for the position fix in the situation's settings.

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Photo is not sent by email

Check MAKE A PHOTO in the situation's settings. Is it checked? If the camera app is launched during the execution of the situation's activities: did you capture a photo? Did you store the photo? Can you see the photo in the Gallery app? Check the WITH PHOTO box to the right of the email address. Is it checked? Try to send an email with the email app and append the photo from the gallery. Does it work? If not, you have a problem with your email settings and/or your provider.

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Email contact list is not shown

If you tap the "C" button to the left of the email address in the situation's settings, a list with all your email contacts should open. If it doesn't, probably no contacts app of your smartphone supports this feature. Try to get an email list in the email app of your smartphone. If there is also no list, you could download a contacts app from the Android market which supports this feature or you copy/paste the addresses from the contacts app to the email addresses of the situation's settings with the copy-and-paste feature of your smartphone.